Jan 30, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
Please Vote! & Personal Statement/Observation
I've only been back srsly arting again for about a month. Weird how I thought I would get more respect by being an art director, but instead... all I got was hate & criticism by people I didnt even know. Now that Im arting. I can feel alot more respect. No ones calling me names.
Click on image to go vote!
Jan 16, 2010
Free Stuff Round Up
Decided to troll back and find all the stuff I've given out for free.
Drippy Font
Vectors - Click images to download.
T-shirt layered templates - Free to use for non-profit
Jan 7, 2010
Jan 6, 2010
Original Pencil Sketches for Sale *Added Fing Rad Painting
These are hand drawn on regular 11 x 14 sketch paper in a spiral notebook. Notes are scribbled on some. They are in a spiral notebook will have to be removed. I could probably disassemble the wires so I would not have to rip them out.
Click to view larger. Email offer to jimiyo.com@gmail.com.
Jan 5, 2010
I Googled "Twitpic Crashed My Firefox" and Got Porn
This blog may not be suitable for some ultra-sensitive readers as it acknowledges the existence of pornography.
The other day I googled "Twitpic crashes firefox," because well, to tell the truth, Twitpic was crashing my Firefox
And I followed a google link with the exact same verbiage to a twitter profile of @NikkiSims.
It seems Twitpic is crashing her Firefox as well.
Apparently @NikkiSims is a online nude model. The dirty kind. It was odd though, because instead of a spam twitter profile, browsing some of the twitters, it actually read like a regular twitter profile, with the all too typical trite twitters about what she is eating, mood, etc.
It confused me, as it doesn't take the typical marketing stance that one would think condusive to Social Media Marketing. So it seems this profile is legit. It's a profile of a girl who gets nude, and makes money doing so.
So I've been dropping by on occasion, and I update my peer MJ, who maintains Teefury's social media outlets, as it's interesting to us as a case study in marketing, or the lack thereof.
Anyways, we chatted about it.
dbh-jimiyo: just an update on porn star twitter
dbh-jimiyo: "still sick as hell but have to get my nails done and go tanning so I can try to shoot on Thursday. Not happy :("
dbh-jimiyo: "@JessieLynne mine know, my mom doesnt really like it, my dad is actually cool with it cuz "im using what I was given to my advantage"
dbh-jimiyo: about posing nude
dbh-jimiyo: dad is ok with it
dbh-jimiyo: LOL
Michelle: oh man lol
dbh-jimiyo: theres the problem
Michelle: i bet he is lol
dbh-jimiyo: dad was probably ok with other things
***** EDIT: Cheap Shot Joke. Very judgemental.
dbh-jimiyo: apparently she is sick too
dbh-jimiyo: "still feeling like death, ughhhhhhh icky."
Michelle: that's so awkward lol
dbh-jimiyo: HIV and all
dbh-jimiyo: jokes jokes
dbh-jimiyo: i shouldnt say that, just because someone poses nude does not make them promiscuous and diseased
***** EDIT: Cheap Shot Joke #2. Very judgemental.
Michelle: i can't imagine that's information any viewer would want lol
dbh-jimiyo: ha
dbh-jimiyo: HA
Michelle: you should DM her marketing tips
dbh-jimiyo: HA
dbh-jimiyo: I DO have more followers
dbh-jimiyo: lol
Michelle: lololol
Michelle: that should be your new motto
Michelle: jimiyo's twitter: people like it better than porn!
dbh-jimiyo: DM You should change your twitter background daily to twitter exclusive images so you get more followers
dbh-jimiyo: DM: you should offer downloads of twitter only followers of sneak peaks
dbh-jimiyo: etc
Michelle: lol
Michelle: yes
dbh-jimiyo: DM Also, can you pose like -insert dirty pose--
Michelle: hahahahaha
dbh-jimiyo: sorry, i was surfing and studying
dbh-jimiyo: you wouldnt like her
dbh-jimiyo: she has tattoos
Michelle: lol
dbh-jimiyo: it seems she is a Classy nude model
dbh-jimiyo: classy as being, she only shows her boobies, but not the pachingo
Michelle: yeah, that'll last
dbh-jimiyo: HA
dbh-jimiyo: HAAAAAAA
Michelle: hehehe
dbh-jimiyo: this find is blog worthy, but its risque topic
dbh-jimiyo: but i bet it would get traffic on accident
dbh-jimiyo: cause all the doods who surf for her pictures
Michelle: hahahaha
I'm going to label tag this post: Nikki Sims, porno, nude, sex
Maybe I'll see a increase in traffic. :D
Jan 4, 2010
Three Outstanding Artists of 2009
There are thousands of great artists out there. This is a list compiled from the artists I've had the pleasure to work with during 2009. It is based on artistic ability, communication styles, marketing prowess, and demeanor.
I worked with a ton artists over 2009 in conjunction with Design by Humans and Teefury. The personalities ranged from high maintenance, self-entitled whanks to humble, helpful artists that not only made my job easier, but frankly their products sold better.
They might not be the highest seller (sometimes they are), but the three I will list are consistent good performers as far as sales, and with great business acumen and professionalism, it's a no brainer to want to work with these guys and gal.
I noticed a odd correlation. Although it may be biased, it seems that if an artist has a friendly persona online, their products sell better in comparison the other extreme. This may be because one gathers more flies with honey, and the nice ones might pick up more fans that will support their work by purchasing.
In no particular order, these are the most memorable artists to work with in 2009:
We printed missmonster at both DBH and Teefury. She has a strong fan base and they support her with every shirt (and other products!) she creates. In communications, she is friendly, supplying entertaining and informative interviews. The art she creates is of a specific genre, but it is well done so it appeals to art fans who may not be familiar with missmonster.
Missmonster's strongest suit is her ability to crank out new work and promote it like a mad woman. I have not seen many t-shirt designers in my circle of knowledge persistently self promote. It's not arrogant self promotion either, it seems to come from the love of creating. It's easy to be enthusiastic and sincere when you love what you do, and you want to share it.
thestray aka kissmyaesthetic
thestray is also one of the more positive and friendly personas I've met online. Although relatively new on the scene, he's gotten several prints at both DBH and Teefury. The most notable being Umibozu, which reached the final 5 of DBH's $10,000 annual contest, and My Lyrics are Bottomless which has ranked in the top ten of Teefury's top ten selling shirts.
thestray has a unique style of art which has a tendency to be more illustrative than most. He's a younger fellow out of Southern California so he does seem to have a fresher style than the veteran designers online. It will be interesting to see how his career develops. He has a passion for art, so no doubt we should see more of him in the art industry.
Zerobriant. I ain't met a nicer fellow... on the internet. He's halfway across the world, but he communicates often and well, so it feels like he's next door. He even called the DBH office once to chat on his dime!
Very eager to do his best, his work ethic is admirable. I would hire this guy to do any job cause whatever task you would give him, he would do it to the best of his ability.
Being an artist isn't his full time job, but it seems he never sleeps. His promotion abilities are supreme. He's consistently created great products that sell, and there's two reasons.
1. Great design
2. He promotes like a madman. I think he might even go and pitch boutiques the shirts as if he was a salesmen for our company. I am not sure of this, but I think it's true.
His art style is very painterly, but fresh. He also has a knack for creating images that you know will appeal to a large crowd.
I am happy to have become aware of him through my art director position.
There are many artists with whom I've worked that have stood out, and I plan to write more recommendations as I have time.
We actually have a Missmonster and Zerobriant print coming up at Teefury.com, and hope to see more of thestray. I hear he's busy with a design for a band, so maybe he can get us some more work when he's free. ;)
Anyways, these artists are on twitter and have web presence, so if you want to glean some wisdom by observation
Missmonster - http://twitter.com/missmonstermel
Zerobriant - http://twitter.com/zerobriant
thestray - http://twitter.com/kissmyaesthetic
LOLZ & Thank you
Thanks for all the comments on my previous post: Share Your Wisdom. I'm going to try to respond sometime this week!
Nicholas Cage as Everyone - It's good and funny.
You can play the impossible game here. Once you do, watch the video.
I can't put my finger on it, but it makes me LOL.
Jan 1, 2010
Share your Wisdom
Happy New Years!
In looking to the future, I suppose many people wonder what will happen and wish for insight on how to properly go about making the new year a success.
I am looking for insights, advice, etc, on how to live a fulfilled life. I found myself asking "What will I do for the next 30 years," as I approach my 33rd year.
If you have any wisdom to impart to me and the reading audience, please comment. You can do so anonymously.
I am somewhat looking for advice from those older than I, who by years have had more experience.
What has given you fulfillment in your life?
Any advice or comment is appreciated, even if it's just a silly one like,
To clean microwaves, take a wet rag, microwave for 1 minute. The steam loosens the sticky, and the hot rag will clean up the rest.