Oct 7, 2008

Correction: a_mar_illo is Most Printed at DBH & WATCH

He's got 7, I have 6.

(Thank Andrea for correcting me and beginning my spiral down into a deep depression. JOKES!)



AttilaTheMom said...

you'd better be joking...

I'd also like to point out I own more of your shirts than he's had printed there. :)

jimiyo said...

of course im kidding!

Anonymous said...

Yo dude actually, you, me, and herman lee have 6 shirts up there. It's just that ours have not been reprinted so they don't show up. hehe. Without my 10K, I think herman lee is the most successful on the site in terms of monetary wins. I wonder if shantyshawn has reached 1000 shirts sold for his shirt though.