Jul 20, 2007

Day 16? Moving to Utah at the end of my trip

Yeah.... Tomorrow I leave for California and Nevada, but I'm fairly certain after I finish the second leg of my trip within 30-45 days, I moving here to Kanabe on the ranch. They are busy til September's end and I've already spoken with Easton, the owner, and he is "moderately excited" about the idea. ;)

My lease in Hendersonville runs out at the end of September and I am slated to be back in TN by Aug 18th, but shortly there after, after I tie up loose ends, I will leave to live here for a short month or two.

I dont know what will happen, where I will go afterwards, but Im going to leave Nashville. It's a great place, and I love my friends, but after even the first few days of travel, I knew that I would be at least leaving for a short while.

We'll see...


Anonymous said...

Man, that's great and exciting! Woot! From what I've ready and seen on Utah that's where I told Klara that I thought I would also enjoy living. There seems to be a lot of outdoors enthusiasts and lots of places to explore and see. Good call, my friend. Hey, that'd be cool...maybe we'll be able to stop in and see you on our way out. Keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are amazing!! There are very few people that can just pick up and go like that. I'm glad that you are able to finally be free! It must feel amazing - You go, dude! (lol)

I really enjoy reading your blogs - keep 'em comin'!

Tyson keeps talking about all your adventures and I can't wait until we make the big leap!

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool... Oregon aint bad either as well as Montana and Montana is full of open working ranches ready to hire.

Unknown said...

J-dot, if you go, you will be missed, my friend; but I can't argue against seizing a chance to get your change on. Utah is f-in' beautiful. But montana, oregon, wyoming... they're all beautiful. You will end up getting some visitors if you plant roots out there though. :-)