NSFW: Guidos & Upcoming Newsletter & RSS FEED
I'll publish a newletter within the next week with the freshly approved contest designs, so keep an eye out, I'll need your help with voting. I will choose a couple people to win a free shirt. If you are not signed up for the newsletter, goto www.jimiyo.com and enter your email.
If you use google mail, you can now click the RSS button to the left to subscribe. I have never used google reader, but it seems to be an excellent way to make efficient your inefficient habit of internet blog surfing. It puts all the updates in a reader so you don't have to visit the actual blog and see the annoying advertisements! Dang.
See I made it easier for all ZERO readers to subscribe. I just added the counter, that's the real reason. True count would be like.. 5.
Guidos: "smell my armpits, i f----ing smell like garlic!"
I've seen 'em on the internet. Apparently they are a new breed of people from New Jersey. Hilarious website explaining who they are.
Before I was aware of their existence, I saw a few of them in Hendersonville, TN, getting their hair done in an ultra fancy Hair Five-O. The stylist was thoroughly enthused that they were there out of their normal environment, and would grace their presence in the South. They must have been wannabes, because they only traveled in a pack of two.
Don't click play if you are sensitive to VERY fowl language. I thought the kid was hilarious, and he has several other videos. I would probably more entertained if I knew more of this Guido subculture.
What a crazy little kid.
I subscribe to your RSS feed! :) Via this link, which is a different one than in the sidebar icon there: http://jimiyo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
I keep my blog-reading habit under a tab on iGoogle.
definitely not a new breed. and not just limited to jersey/new york. this is totally normal back home.
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