Day 3: Off to El Paso
Im off to El Paso. I don't think they have a internet connection at teh next hostel I will be stopping at.
It will be 10 blocks from the border of Mexico and a short trip to Carlsbad caverns and White Sands.
From there, Ill go to Flagstaff, AZ, to visit the Grand Canyon, then up to Moab, UT, to see the Arches National Park, Bryce Park, then a long haul to the San Diego area. The hostel in Las Vegas seems to only be for students and international travelers so Im skipping Vegas. Oh well, some other time I guess. ;)
*** Well I'm in El Paso.
The hostel is decent. I'm alone in a 4 bed dormitory room. The area seems pretty decent, but I'll be going on a short trip to the Carlsbad Caverns during the day. I passed it today on the way here.
The land between Dallas and El Paso is barren. It was sunny, then I got into the mountains and all of a sudden winds picked up, and it started pouring like crazy. The travel books were correct. The weather is unpredictable. It was a very beautiful drive though.
Passed a sign...
Prison Area - Do not pick up hitchhikers.
and the adjacent town had a roof that had a big sign that said "Antiques, and GUNS" was in bold black and yellow.
Be sure to check out Mission Beach in San Diego, Coronado Island is nice as well.
Something else kinda liberating in new places is to exercise there, ie taking a run. I don't know why, but when you sweat somewhere different it gives you a sort of feeling that you've connected with it more. Maybe it's because you're staring at the earth a little bit more and appreciating things more than just seeing it passing by. You'll have plenty of cooler climates to test this theory out as San Diego should be nice and hopefully you're going up north a bit.
One other comment: They don't have Cracker Barells out there, but they have places with similar concepts. Cracker Barell offers rental books on CD and you can pick them up at one store and then drop them off at a destination - under $10 and anywhere from 8 to 16 hours of listening.
who are you stranger? ;)
One of my travel books has a photo of a sign like the prisoner one you mentioned.
PS. where be thy photos? I know you hate photography, but catalog this one, dude.
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