Apr 9, 2007

Sketches & Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Scroll down to see the sketches. Below is just a rant about work...

At work, Everybody Wants to Rule the World...

NASCAR has bought out the companies that do product development so now all products must be approved through them. They are asserting their prowess by putting another tier to the artistic decision making. The process goes as follows.

Operation Manager
Nascar Buyer
back to Operations Manager
back to Buyer

At anytime, although NASCAR has made official recommendations, the Buyer can supercede the decision of the Nascar Buyer

At anytime, before any art is sent to the Buyer, the Operations Manager can supercede the Artist.

This cycle can go on for many versions, which is frustrating. As I see it, there only needs to be two people making artistic decisions. The supposed Art Director who I am, and the main Buyer who is the final decision maker. The other two positions are beaureacratic and should do their best to keep their input non-artistic, and pertaining to legalistic issues such as logo placement, correct color issues, etc.

This is excluding the Print Boss, who can also make artistic decisions on color or even call for wildcard revisions if he sees fit. He co-owns the place, and signs my paycheck. He can do what he wants, the other people...

Being an artist is total grunt work. The only solace is that I am refining my craft. Soon, as they continue to strike me down, I shall become more powerful than they can imagine... hehe.

You know what else sucks... the company I work for has access to a endless supply of products ranging from different types of bags, to business card holders, etc. So everytime they try to pitch a company, they get us artists to put whatever company's logo on EVERY SINGLE product. It's throw everything at them, and hope it sells technique. Total waste of resources. People hate thinking and having to look through 50 products. Thats why value meals exist. Pay a few cents extra to have what you want packaged. I remember at Dell, that was the easiest way to sell the whole solution... including warranty. You include warranty in a package... you can sell it easier than trying to sell each item.

Would you like
a printer
a cd burner
a flat panel?

No, you dont want to pay for all those things.

Would you like a complete solution package that has everything you need?
Sounds good, tell me about it.
Well it has everything... let me tell you, it has... etc etc.

You get the point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know how you feel, i work for a game company and we do some stuff for NHRA and have to jump through all kinda of hoops.....and as a Graphic Designer...i feel your pain...

~Mike M