Oct 28, 2007

Blurb.com - Print a book of your photos or art

I'm quite excited about finding this website. Blurb.com.

You can print a book of your photos/art for cheap yo! My older brother had used some other company, I dont know what, of his trip to Japan, and I was impressed with the quality. Blurb.com has a 30MB download of a book layout program, so Im impressed with the size. I haven't used it yet, but I feel more comfortable using a downloaded version of software than using an online prog to set up the book.

It will take a while before I get mine printed as I have to rummage through my old backup cdees of my high resolution art images, but I think it will be exciting to see the final product. It might be a way to self publish my children's book about Acornboy if I ever get around to it. I gave myself until I was 33 years old to do it, so I have about three years to finish it.

Cheers friends. Ill be posting soon. Ill be an uncle soon as well. Neat eh?


Anonymous said...

word. i plan to use blurb too sometime in the future.

i met my new nephew today. so cute. he's like 5 days old.

Unknown said...

I started using Blurb for a bit last year but never finished it... Did you get to see the book I made at MPIX? It's pretty easy and not too pricy... I think my book was 30 something pages and was like $35... Really good quality and hardback! The layout program is kinda basic but you would figure out how to contort it pretty quickly (just make the whole page in Photoshop)...

Anyway- we miss ya back here in Middle TN...


Unknown said...

There is also lulu.com