Jun 5, 2007

Lion Update & A Spotless Mind

Still tired from the weekend. Didnt do much...

Just like when I left my Dell job, I had thoughts yesterday about selling all my crap, taking a few important things, dropping off the kids (rats) at the parents house, getting in the car, and going... just going. Not for self actualization, not for adventure, but to be liberated. To know whole-heartedly, that I could let it all go yet undoubtedly know, I could rebuild, better than before, more, stronger, and renewed. Not only that, but that no matter what and where, I could know that I would be able to take care of myself. Total self reliance...

I know it sounds crazy... I know there must be a deep well somewhere hidden, that agitates my soul regarding the things that bind me even if it is of a normal thing that most all people deal with...

Is this just me?

Self Reliance

No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole;
Rise Alps between us! and whole oceans roll!...

Ne te quaesiveris extra - “Do not seek outside yourself.”

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