May 7, 2007

Work - Pepsi 400

**** This design although unfinished, was rejected. A few months ago I feel it would have been approved, but now with NASCAR being the decision maker, I assume they have some non-artistic corporate pecker or wench making decisions. After doing designs for two years, at the peak of my experience and skill, I am still at the mercy of some stranger's whim who just wants to assert their 'power.'

Wanted to post this... My work from work is getting cleaner and cleaner. I learned a new skill with Photoshop, the abyss of infinite shortcuts, tricks, and techniques. I'll be posting some tutorials later this year. I might be developing some tutorial training CDees as well. I think they would fair well as long term residual income product. Although the initial investment of time is considerable, its a one time deal... We'll see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the tutorial CD'd or even guides sounds like a great idea! i love stuff like that!

Mike M