May 25, 2007

A Monster & Final Anchor Tee

I've become a monster at work. I bit three people's heads off this week. One grew his head back, so I bit it off again today. Im glad its Friday.

There were actually two times during the week I felt like the Hulk and wanted to flip over tables, throw chairs through walls, and scream atomic bomb explosion fire.


I could work on this forever, but Im just going to call it done. One day Im hoping my linework will mimic dimensionality better, as well as have more detail, and definitely more flow. I want viewers to be mesmerized by flowing lines in the image, maybe in a couple years once it evolves on its own.

translation 'family and friends'

i left the prose off.

...the anchor to my soul to this earth when all is gray and my mind is filled with despair,
...the wings with which my heart soars with delight.
for them, i live. i love and i serve.
for without them, i would not be.

1 comment:

Shana said...

I definitely want to buy one for the doc. What's the translation???