May 10, 2007

Feedback, and Some New Art

I've been working massive hours recently. At work, then at home. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Drinks anyone?


Currently I get from 15-30 visitors a day here. I haven't really done much to increase traffic, but in the future, I would like to increase that traffic to the thousands, and although I can't fathom it, possibly tens of thousands. How so? There are blogs out there that offer good enough content to drive traffic.

I have to offer you something you want to come and visit and read about.

I was thinking besides my family and friends just generally interested in what Im up to, the following are ideas that Id might pursue to drive traffic, in turn which will drive branding, and service and product oriented streams of income... theorectically.

Photoshop training/tutorials.
Free Photoshop styles, actions, filters.
Free vector artwork.
How to's.
Showcase of artwork. Just eyecandy.

Another topic is freelancing experiences as they occur. Who isnt interested in taking their craft and making it a source of income. I was thinking I would like to figure out Etsy, and how to make money from it. Then share my experiences, tips, etc.

How bout dance videos. HEHE...


What keeps you coming back? Seriously. Email me, or comment. Please?

Here's something Im working on for Jessi Combs. She is a tv personality on Spike TV's Xtreme 4x4. Check out her website.


Anonymous said...

well, i come back beacuse i love your art work and your blogs are good.

i think all your ideas sound great, i would love some TuT's and stuff and maybe some insite on how you get more freelance? Thats something im having trouble with.(it also dosent help that i live in MN, and there are a ton of Graphic Designers here)

when i finish my site i would totally put a link to your page on mine!

Also, a good way to get out there would be to make a Myspace page for your business, and maybe a Deviant Art page for your art. Alot of people find artist there.

if youve never been there it's it's the biggest artist gathering on the internet!

~Mike M

Anonymous said...

My reasoning is because I want to know what's up with you. Though I'm not one of those who do come everyday. :) I have about 10-20 people visit my Xanga each day. (brag, brag) Maybe, one day, you will have 200 peoples! More would be awesome but it grows slowly. Okay, I will stop rambling. Good Luck!

myfavoriteplum said...

would you want to consign online?
look at the site day lab, they have a new shop more focused towards men called night lab
i get the feeling they might get alot of traffic
and combine your shop/blog
etsy seems like a good thing
and yeah, threadless especially!

i think it's so great what you're doing
plus i like reading about it
your enthusiasm is nearly infectuous
woo what a long day