May 15, 2007

Art: Update on Anchor of My Soul

Exciting times, exciting times. All the jobs I've ever had has lead me up to where I am going. The crappy Primerica multilevel marketing sales and recruiting job, the crappy Dell salesperson job, the current art job... not crappy for the most part... ;)

If I were to be wise and give advice to any young person, even if you are timid/shy, go get a sales job. You will need the experience for ALL aspects of life. Dating, work, selling yourself.

I've started to go fishing with my art, and I'm getting a tremendous amount of interest.
If I was a rapper, I come to drop bombs ya'll.

Work in progress...
This one's defintely going to print. Whether it be in my own line of fashion tees or Threadless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like this one a lot.

nice contrasting imagery.