Mar 1, 2007

Swallowed in the Sea Update & Mock Interview with Jimiyo & My Cat

Mock Interviewer: "Jimi, how did you get so good at flowy hair?"

Mock Jimi: "Well I have ~29 cousins, 7 aunts and uncles (on the American side, and that's just the immediate relatives), all of which are mostly devout Christian. I needed to cover the boobs so they wouldnt be offended."

Dearest Madeline of Lamentations
Your Dagger Will Offer No Respite
In the Cold Depths, Colors Will Run Gray
Your Beautiful Light Swallowed in the Sea.

Everyone kicked my cat yesterday, and Im still brooooooding.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

our friend Mark loves your cat shirt, btw. he wishes you would make it in men(s).