Jan 17, 2007

Work from Work & A Joke - A bad one? & I Erased the Rest

I have no new art for you all. 'All' meaning, my parents and a handful of scattered anonymous surfers. Why do I even blog? I don't know. It's pointless. It's like saying... me, me, me. Read my stuff, make me feel like Im here for a reason. Since I have no new art, in consolation, here's work from work.

These are months old. Im a little better. Just a little, although separations, Im a killer now. I look forward to separations, its like a puzzle with a prize at the end. I can do 10 color jobbies in no time, it's rare for them to require a major revision with film. If its a dark shirt, a small tweak with base white is sometimes required.

This one got printed. The seps were spot on. In hindsight, the letter coloring is very comic bookish? Cartoony?

This one didnt. The wings are shoddy anyways. Too busy.

This one got printed. The separations on it were pretty fly too. The fire and glass effect in the lettering was pretty accurate in translation.

This one along with approximately 11 other designs (3 designs by each artist) were needed "ASAP/immediately" by the client, but they never bought them... They are the elusive Moby Dick. We were so excited back then. We were working with big names.

This ones being sold to Walmart. Ill believe it when I see it, cause Walmart is also another elusive Moby Dick. If they don't buy it, supposedly RTM wants to do short runs so thats cool.

Same story.

Woot. This one will be sold at D500 in February. Its that homework on old school tattoos guiding my visual direction at work.

Here's my joke, it might be offensive depending on your beliefs, but I thought it was gold.

The coworkers were talking about music and listening to Marylin Manson. It naturally continued into a stream of palaver about cults and such.

One of them asked "What was that cult called? With the Nikes and jumpsuits?"

Another one was like "I think it was called Heaven's Gate."

I was like "No, no, no, it's the Tennessee Baptist Convention."

Hardy har har.

One of the coworkers is going to school to be a pastor. He enjoyed it... moderately. At least he enjoyed the wit, not the joke. (Thanks Mark!)

If you are offended by that, please feel free to rewind and replace TBC with the following:

Church of Christ

or whatever groups/organizations that you choose not to tolerate or vehemently consider to be wrong in beliefs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
