Rad Video & Boring Stuff & Spicy Retort
How rad is this!?
Boring Stuff
1. 4 Weeks and Im still TaeBoing, and no alcohol.
2. Green Tea replacing Diet Cherry Coke Binges during 'arting' weekends. Cheaper, caffine!
3. Kimchi introduced to dinner menu. Antioxidants!
I think I might start running? Dunno. There's only a 30% chance of that...
I Dont Know Why, But I Was Compelled to be Saucy Today.
I applied for a summer camp 3D game design instructor. I sent a 'touch base still interested in the position' email. Here's what I received...
I still have you on my radar. I thought your interview went well but I am riding the fence on your tech skills. I simply do not need a 3d character Modeler at that camp. I do need a 3D game designer who can work with Beyond Virtual. If you could get a demo of the program and send me some samples, it would definitely show me that you are qualified, quick to learn, and dedicated.
I will be hiring until the end of May so I will leave the ball in your court.
I wrote back:
Thanks for the reply.
Although, Im quite surprised at the 'riding the fence on your tech skills' as the focused questions of the interview were primarily about the handling of children, as well as the fact that when I asked if there was a curriculum, you stated that there was a standard textbook that we would be able to be train ourselves on, and those skills were easily learned by anyone.
Combined with the minimal reimbursement for flying out for training, required CPR certification, and the low pay, I withdraw my interests.
Good luck on your search for qualified candidates.
XXXXX wrote back promptly:
Please don't get me wrong. It was not my intention to offend you.
I simply meant that while you have plenty of tech skills in graphic
design and modeling, the course you are most qualified for (3D Character
Modeling)is not a course we have at Vanderbilt.
If you were to be able do some work with Beyond Virtual, it would show
a great deal about your abilities and the fact that you are serious about
the job.
Thanks for letting me know that you are not interested anymore. I hope
that you find that "change of pace" you were looking for.
I wanted to write back, but I wanted the interviewer to have the last word so that we would not continue the fruitless exchange. I wasnt offended. I just felt like the reply was a BS response as he stated that the computer skills were not that important on the phone interview, and that the handling of children was paramount.
Although Im sure if I did as he asked, I could have nailed the job. But for a 6 week position @ $550/weekly, massive hours, and having to put out approximately $150 for the plane ticket for training, and CPR training, why go to the trouble? I'd rather take a sabbatical, which is what Im thinking of doing...
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