Mar 8, 2007

Article that had a blurb about me in Nashville - All the Rage

I appreciate the article, although Im not sure if I like it. But really how much can you portray about a person in a short paragraph?

Mostly birds and pretty girls?

Regarding $45 and clip art (noise tool... incorrect quote. distress is the term) - Check out Justin Timberlake's apparel

Timberlake tee #1

Timberlake tee #2

Typical victorian clip art with some minor collaging and alterations... Where's the art?
You can find similar art bastardizations at Target.

Borrowing an element here and there is fine as there is nothing new under the sun, but to feed the market with this crap is not. I personally have borrowed some elements, such as the sparrow figures, its an iconic element in old school tattoo art, but I took it, drew it and made it my own.

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